Happy Friday everyone!
This is usually a day that I strongly look forward to every week because it means the weekend is here, and I also love Friday nights! However, that has not so much been the case for me lately. I broke my leg almost a month ago and had to get surgery. I'll put up a post about it soon, but my five on Friday will surely be a bit lacking because of it, so I apologize in advance! While I haven't left the house in over a week I have I still have a few things to talk about. Thanks for following along! Here we go:
The Fault in Our Stars
This book is nothing short of AMAZING. I just finished it last night and I'm not lying when I say that I literally bawled my eyes out. I don't want to give any spoilers for those who haven't read it but I was surely enthralled. The story is just beautiful and it surely pulled at the strings of my heart. If you haven't read this book yet then it is a MUST READ!
Clean and Clear face toner
My broken leg prevents me from doing so many things, including the simplest of tasks. I'm religious when it comes to my nightly routines but I've had to alter them a bit since this all went down. Because I am not washing my face in the shower every night before bed like I normally do, I take a cotton pad and clean off my face with the Clean and Clear toner. It cleans the dirt and oil off of my face from the day and leaves me feeling refreshed before bed.
Tropicana Orange Juice
So random I know. I'm not usually a huge orange juice drinker, but I have been since I broke my leg. I have to take aspirin twice a day in order to prevent a blood clot in my leg, so I've been taking it with orange juice. Don't ask, but it's surely one of my 5 this week!
Fearlessly Forward now has an Instagram page. Have you followed yet?
YouTube favorite of the week: The LaVigne Life
As I'm already a full blown YouTube addict, I have become even MORE addicted. How is this even possible? Easy! Break your leg. In addition to my usual beauty and lifestyle vloggers, I also follow a lot of daily vloggers. The LaVigne Life is HILARIOUS! And his kids, especially J3 are just too dang cute! IF you're bored or in need of a laugh I suggest you watch here!
Thanks for catching up with me this week!
XOXO, Kara
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